22nd biennial congress – 16-19 Sep, 2026 Brescia, Italy


Scientific scope

We welcome symposium proposals and abstracts on any topic or research area pertinent to the fields of psychiatric epidemiology and social psychiatry, including, but not limited to: psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry, public mental health, mental health services research, occupational mental health, social security and mental health, social psychology, social neuroscience, cultural psychiatry, ethnography, qualitative research. We are pleased to receive abstracts using any methodology in the fields of epidemiology and social psychiatry, including qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Rules for submission

  • All submissions must be presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors, as it will be reproduced as submitted. Your submission will NOT be reviewed for typos or other errors. It is not possible to modify abstracts after the submission deadline.
  • The work described in the abstract needs to have an appropriate approval under local, ethical and animal experimentation rules. Submissions may not contain patient names, hospital ID numbers or other identifying information.
  • The inclusion of trade names/brand names is not allowed in the abstract. Please use generic names of drugs. The mentioning of agents/molecules must follow the scientific standard for publications. The presentation must be balanced and contain no commercial promotional content.
  • Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g. on conference website, social media, programs, other promotions, etc…).
  • All communications will be sent to the email address used to submit the abstract. Your abstract is not successfully submitted until you receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your spam mailbox or contact us at support_team@lausanne-tourisme.ch.
  • All speakers and poster presenters who have an abstract accepted will be required to cover the cost of their conference attendance, including registration fees.
  • It is required that at least one person per accepted abstract (i.e. the presenting author) registers for the conference. We require registration of the presenting author by the 30 June 2024 in order to have the contribution included in the final program and listed in the online abstract book.

Symposium Proposals

Symposia focus on specific topics in psychiatric epidemiology and social psychiatry. Each symposium includes 4 to 6 presentations by international speakers and offers an opportunity for discussion at the end.

Abstracts submission for standard oral communications and posters

All abstracts must contain original, new research and can be submitted to one of two presentation types:

  • Standard oral presentations: Oral presentations in this category will be between 15-20 minutes long, including time for audience questions.
  • Poster presentations: Two specific poster sessions with additional opportunity to present poster during lunch and coffee breaks throughout the congress.

Scientific assessment

All symposium proposals and abstract submissions will be evaluated by our Scientific Advisory Board against a set of criteria for novelty, research quality, potential scientific impact, interest, and the pertinence to the fields of psychiatric epidemiology and social psychiatry.
Individual abstracts from unsuccessful symposia will be automatically considered for an oral or poster presentation.
The decision of the Scientific Advisory Board will be final. We reserve the right to reject abstracts which lack sufficient scientific quality, raise ethical concerns or may otherwise be offensive or inappropriate to our delegates.

Acceptance and publication

All accepted abstracts will appear in the final congress program, made available to delegates electronically at the congress and online. Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g. on conference website, social media, programs, other promotions, etc…).


All symposium proposals and abstracts must be received no later than:

We will announce the decision of the Scientific Advisory Board no later than 15 June 2024.


For any technical queries please contact support_team@lausanne-tourisme.ch.
For any scientific queries please contact epalausanne2024@chuv.ch.

Scientific Advisory Board

Our Scientific Committee includes experts from across the breadth of psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and public mental health, and includes diversity by geographical location, gender, lived experience and age.

Key Dates

Congress Dates
11-14 September 2024

Registration Open
1st February 2024

Registration Close
2nd September 2024

Call for abstracts
1st February 2024

Abstracts submission
30th April 2024