Symposium Proposals
Symposia focus on specific topics in psychiatric epidemiology and social psychiatry. Each symposium includes 4 to 6 presentations by international speakers and offers an opportunity for discussion at the end.
Requirements for proposals
- A brief description of the session (max. 250 words) for evaluation purposes only (this is not considered as an abstract).
- 4 to 6 abstracts (one per speaker).
- 1 chair, 1 co-chair and 4-6 speakers per session (the chair and co-chair may be chosen from the speakers).
- To ensure a better country balance within the program, speakers should come from at least two countries.
- The symposium should value gender balance as much as possible.
- Prior to submission, the chair or the submitter should ask for the preliminary availability of every speaker in their session.
- Symposium sessions are 90 minutes in length.
- Only the submitter will receive notification of the final decision of the Scientific Advisory Board and is responsible for communicating the result to all other chairs and speakers.
The submitter must create a symposium submission by filling in the symposium form and submit it by email by the deadlines advertised on our congress website.
Please attach your symposium proposal as ONE SINGLE word document called: “EPAPsyEpi24_SymposiumProposal_YourLastName” and submit it to: support_team@lausanne-tourisme.ch with the header “EPAPsyEpi24_SymposiumProposal_YourLastName”.
It is the submitter’s responsibility to coordinate all speaker submissions; incomplete entries will not be considered. The symposium form should contain a symposium summary and 4 to 6 individual speaker abstracts. Please follow the rules of submission and specific guidance below. All character counts below include spaces.
- Symposium summary
- The title of the symposium is limited to 150 characters. Please ensure that your title is inputted in title case. Do not enter the title in all capital or all lowercase letters.
- The name and email address of the chair and co-chair must be informed.
- Summary abstract should be a maximum of 250 words.
- Up to 6 keywords, separated by “;” should be submitted.
- The names and email addresses of all speakers (at least 1 speaker per individual presentation) and the titles of all the individual presentations must be informed.
- Individual speaker abstracts
- The title of the abstract is limited to 150 characters. Please ensure that your title is inputted in title case. Do not enter the title in all capital or all lowercase letters.
- Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words and include the following named sections: Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
- Up to 6 authors can be listed on the abstract. For longer authorship lists, please consider using group authorship.
- Please provide complete and accurate information on all contributing authors. This includes the full name and complete (up to 6) affiliations of every (co-)author.
- The person making the submission is wholly responsible for the accuracy of the information. The information will be published (online program) as submitted. Please use your university address, not your personal one.
Key Dates

Congress Dates
11-14 September 2024

Registration Open
1st February 2024

Registration Close
2nd September 2024

Call for abstracts
1st February 2024

Abstracts submission
30th April 2024